Did you know the use of rose water may have originated in Iran prior to the 7th century CE. Fast forward to the modern day, and rose water is still a health and wellness staple. Rose water, in its simplest form, is a hydrosol that results from the distillation of rose petals. Why Rose Water?✨ […]

Pentagon stalls $10 bn cloud computing contract eyed by Amazon. Reveals deals and wants government to be more credible and transparent

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis risus vitae erat fringilla volutpat. Cras non aliquet eros. Sed dignissim felis quis laoreet fringilla. In porta justo ut nisl commodo, ut sollicitudin eros lacinia. Morbi libero felis, aliquet sed aliquam sit amet, luctus nec ligula. Nulla a mi nec purus faucibus viverra. Sed vitae […]

IMF wants govt to be more credible, transparent on fiscal numbers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quis orci id sem tempor consequat porta vel dui. Cras ut felis felis. Ut nec efficitur orci, id consequat turpis. Aenean in urna ac massa commodo venenatis eget vel mauris. In aliquam ex a lacus lacinia, a volutpat leo vestibulum. Nam congue lobortis rhoncus. Vestibulum maximus […]